All ZedBiz

Lesson 5: Asana Projects

Create a project

  1. Click the omnibutton.
  2. Select project.
  3. Enter a project name and description.
  4. Select the team you wish to add the project to.
  5. Set your project privacy settings.
  6. Select a list, board, timeline or calendar layout.
  7. Create a project once the details have been added.


Recommended Templates

You can use any kind of template you wish to use from a library of general templates. These templates will be categorized based on team types; however other options are available if otherwise is wished.


Custom Templates

  1. Select you Organization’s name
  2. Select a custom template you wish to use.


Template Preview

After selecting the template you wish to use, the preview will display all other information needed. It will require you to add new project details and schedules of the projects.