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Lesson 4: Asana Sub-Tasks

Create a Subtask

  1. Click the subtasks button in the right pane.
  2. Or, press Tab+S on your keyboard after you select a parent task. 
  3. After you've created one subtask, select the subtask and press enter to create another.


Subtask Details

  1. Click the chat bubble icon next to the subtask’s name
  2. In here, you will see the rest of the options for a parent task, including the option to add another.
  3. Click the parent task’s name to return to the parent task’s details.


Subtask Grid View

Project team will be able to understand what tasks are left and needs to be completed by the organization portrayed by the subtask grid view. Subtasks can be in timelines, critical paths, durations and more. It is best used when projects move at a different speed.


Subtask and Project Association

  1. Click the chat bubble to open the subtask’s details.
  2. Click the Task Actions button.
  3. Select add to project from the dropdown menu.
  4. Type the name of the project you wish to add the subtask to


Convert tasks in subtasks

  1. Click the task you want as the new parent task to load its detail in the right pane.
  2. Click and drag the task you want to convert into the subtasks section of the open right pane of the new parent.